Denne sangen er framført av Maranatha Singers.
Sangen handler om vår tilregnende rettferdighet for Gud på grunn av troen på Jesu forsoningsverk på korset.
"White as snow
White as snow
Though my sins were as scarlet
Lord, I know
Lord, I know
That I'm clean and forgiven
Through the power of your blood
Through the wonder of your love
Through faith in you
I know that I can be
White as snow
White as snow
White as snow
Though my sins were as scarlet
Lord, I know
Lord, I know
That I'm clean and forgiven
Through the power of your blood
Through the wonder of your love
Through faith in you
I know that I can be
White as snow
White as snow
White as snow
Though my sins were as scarlet
Lord, I know
Lord, I know
That I'm clean and forgiven
Through the power of your blood
Through the wonder of your love
Through faith in you
I know that I can be
White as snow
White as snow
White as snow
White as snow"